Zitat des Tages #2 28.04.2008

Zum “Skandal-Video” :mrgreen:Paul Gilbert say ‘Fuck’“:

Dass Paul Gilbert nie flucht macht ihn so sympathisch und lässt ihn so natürlich, freundlich und souverän wirken, was er natürlich ist.

Wir alle wissen, dass Paul Gilbert Gott ist, aber einer hat da scheinbar etwas missverstanden, was von einem Fan natürlich sofort richtiggestellt und erklärt wird:


What’s the big deal about him saying “Fuck”?

He’s human just like the rest of us…


Paul Gilbert is the embodiment of God, and God is not supposed to swear.

Zitat des Tages #1 05.04.2008

Zum Video: Paul Gilbert – Down to Mexico:


someone needs to tell petrucci to stop wishing he was as cool as gilbert
All ur riffz are belong to paul

havent you heard? thats the trick to songwriting, all you do is pay Paul Gilbert to write you songs. He’s actually Bach’s reincarnation, except now he has distortion and tassles.


are u serious? xD cant really believe that JPs riffs are written by paul gilbert :D


obviously not, im not a fool
jp is sick, plus he looks like a bear now

him and paul at g3… cream